Saturday, February 9, 2019

We are Matched with a 4 year old boy!

We are matched with a 4 year old little boy! We can't post pictures of him yet, but he's stinkin' cute and we're pretty excited. 

Hitting the Pause Button

 It has taken quite a bit of paperwork to get to this point, and we are not done. I feel like that is all we have done the last few months - finishing up the home study paperwork and working on all the dossier documents to represent us in the country. In the middle of that, we had several gracious doctors answering our questions about medical records, and we continued working on referral paperwork which is now complete as we are semi-officially matched pending our dossier.. We'll receive our last document for our dossier Monday evening (the 2 month circus it took to get this one right) and then send our dossier out the same night to our agency.

Sledding with our four kids recently

Sometimes I feel like we hit the pause button on part of our lives during this part of the adoption journey. We obviously have hopes and dreams for this child, and it's exciting to finally put a name and a face with it. We are hoping to travel sometime this year, so we will not plan a vacation because we have no control of when we are going. I have some plans in my head of who can help with the kiddos while we are gone and activities for them to do, but it also depends if they will be in school or on summer vacation. We are enjoying this time in life and our kids, but a part of our hearts are with a little boy halfway around the world. We are starting to ready the house, and organize things with the thoughts of how will this all look. We have started saying to the kids “when your brother comes home...”, and they are putting things aside for him. So while life is continuing around us, we are also on hold, just waiting. We want him to be home.

Wehrspan lake path down the road covered in snow recently

Late in the fall, I was just starting to feel like we were searching for a needle in a haystack. How long would it take to find him? Of course we knew God had a child for us, and he would come home when the time was right. At the same time, we want everything to move quickly, because we just want him home. God gave me these verses in Romans 8 – “But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently...And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose...What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Such a reminder to walk in faith and trust Him. Do I really trust Him? Some days it can be such a challenge, which I guess is why it is called faith.

The pause button is about to hit fast forward I think.


Ways to donate to our adoption cause:

(not tax deductible, but has the lowest fees per donation)

(not tax deductible, but lower fees per donation)

(tax deductible and grants can go straight to our Adoption Agency)

Our Adoption math: ~$44,000 total - $6,000 company match - $8,000 already raised - $13840 tax benefit = roughly $16,000 left to fund. The tax refund will take a few years to totally recoup, so we will take a loan to finance the upfront costs. We are currently financing $11000 and will need to add the full amount soon as it becomes due.